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- Title
高齢者対応のカルシウム補給低塩パンの 調製および給食施設への導入.
- Authors
山田 密穂; 小泉 昌子; 峯木 眞知子
- Abstract
In today’s hyper-aged society, it is important to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, and an increase in calcium (Ca) intake is believed to contribute to prevention efforts. Eggshell powder contains about 40% Ca. In this study, we added eggshell powder to increase the amount of Ca in low-salt bread. As a preliminary study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of dieticians and registered dietitians working at elderly care facilities and hospitals (29 facilities) in order to under the current situation and their desires for calcium-enriched bread for hospital meals. Many of the respondents wanted to provide nutrient-enriched bread as part of hospital meals, specifically white bread or rolls enriched with 200 mg of Ca. Accordingly, eggshell powder was added to bread at 0%, 1%, and 2% of the flour content, and the quality of the bread was examined. Bread containing 2% eggshell powder provided 339 mg of Ca in 80 g of bread. There were no significant differences in the volume, weight, specific volume, and moisture content of the samples after 1 day of storage. Texture measurements showed that for any amount of eggshell powder added, the cohesion value after 3 days of storage was significantly lower than the value after 1 day of storage (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in hardness and adhesiveness. In the sensory evaluation of salty taste and overall evaluation, all samples with eggshell powder added received a score of 4 or higher. Furthermore, we added 5% trehalose, which has a strong anti-aging effect, to the bread and examined its effect over a 3-day period. In the trehalose-added sample that was added with 2% eggshell powder and stored for 3 days, the decrease in water content was slightly suppressed. In histological observation of the bubble surface of the crumb, in the sample with 2% eggshell powder added, the gluten strands were cut unevenly instead of sharply, and on the cell walls, there was little damage to the gluten membrane and exposure of starch granules was suppressed. It was inferred that the hydrating power of trehalose created extensible gluten strands. Therefore, we believe that low-sodium bread made with eggshell powder can be expected to increase Ca intake without significantly changing quality compared with bread made without eggshell powder, thereby contributing to increased Ca intake in facilities and hospitals for the elderly.
- Publication
New Food Industry, 2024, Vol 66, Issue 4, p197
- Publication type
Academic Journal