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- Title
I «luoghi di culto» fra diritto della Chiesa cattolica e diritto statale italiano.
- Authors
Consorti, Pierluigi
- Abstract
Canon and state law protect places of worship. This is a legally incontrovertible fact, confirmed in both doctrine and jurisprudence. It is on this basis that I here address two related topics. The first one concerns the legally relevant links between the notions of «place of worship », «building of worship» and «space of worship», making specific reference to the canonistic legal content of «sacred place». The second aspect pertains to the problematic connection between the protection of religion and the protection of culture. In conclusion, I will try to demonstrate, in both canon and State law, the need of a more evident protection of the spiritual dimension instead of the material one.
- Publication
Ephemerides Iuris Canonici, 2023, Vol 63, Issue 1, p63
- Publication type
Academic Journal